Let U down eCard

Let U down

In this nice sorry e Card, a balloon shaped like the letter U floats around…

6 votes
I Fluffed Up eCard

I Fluffed Up

In this Sorry e-card, a cat sits in the middle of the screen, bored. After…

10 votes
Bad Republican eCard

Bad Republican

This funny eCard begins with text that reads "How many republicans does it…

4 votes
Obama VS McCain eCard

Obama VS McCain

This is a funny political e-Card in which Obama is stood at the top of a very…

2 votes
Sorry Plum eCard

Sorry Plum

In this funny ecard a small purple blob falls from a tree. and an arrow labeled…

6 votes
Sorry Dumb Ass eCard

Sorry Dumb Ass

This is a funny sorry ecard in which a donkey is standing beside a blackboard…

18 votes
Wedding Anniversary eCard

Wedding Anniversary

In this sweet wedding anniversary e Card A Man and wife are standing outside…

31 votes
Typical Anniversary eCard

Typical Anniversary

This is a funny ecard that begins with a message saying "The milk tray man…

8 votes
Learn the hard way eCard

Learn the hard way

This funny eCard begins with a message saying "The best way to remember your…

10 votes
Funny Anniversary eCard

Funny Anniversary

In this short eCard a man is hoovering in the lounge with his wife on the sofa,…

13 votes
Congrats on your baby! eCard

Congrats on your baby!

In this eCard a couple are standing and the woman has a baby in her arms. A…

7 votes
Happy... Anniversary! eCard

Happy... Anniversary!

In this Anniversary e-card a couple are getting married in a church, the wedding…

4 votes
Have a Beer Anniversary eCard

Have a Beer Anniversary

This funny ecard shows a normal couple sitting very relaxed and comfortable…

7 votes
Anniversary Crash eCard

Anniversary Crash

In this funny ecard you see a red car which appears to be moving very fast.…

7 votes
Congratulations on your New Baby! eCard

Congratulations on…

In this funny ecard you see to tired looking parents that are being pulled…

3 votes
Lazy Dad On Fathers Day eCard

Lazy Dad On Fathers…

In this great ecard, you see a lady wearing overalls and looking exhausted,…

11 votes
Anniversary Life eCard

Anniversary Life

In this funny e-card you see a middle-aged couple standing in a bluey-grey…

4 votes
Funny Fathers day eCard

Funny Fathers day

In this Funny Fathers Day ecard A guy is looking troubled, he is on the phone.…

18 votes
Newcastle zebra eCard

Newcastle zebra

Here's a funny ecard that begins with the camera facing a dry desert sun. The…

22 votes
Hole in the market  eCard

Hole in the market…

This eCard begins with a sign shaped like a dildo, on top of a building saying…

10 votes
The dog eCard

The dog

This joke e card begins with a newspaper hiding someone in an armchair. The…

20 votes

Richard Mortimore Sent Birthday Cake

30 minutes ago

Peter McAnearney Sent Have a Beer Anniversary

31 minutes ago

Peter McAnearney Sent Have a Beer Anniversary

31 minutes ago

Michele Gallen Sent Fingers and more crossed

48 minutes ago

Bunny Bunny Sent Rocking Bearthday

55 minutes ago