Dads DIY eCard

Dads DIY

We all know that men like to think they are Gods when it comes to D.I.Y, so…

35 votes
Lazy Dad On Fathers Day eCard

Lazy Dad On Fathers…

In this great ecard, you see a lady wearing overalls and looking exhausted,…

11 votes
Fathers Daily Thoughts eCard

Fathers Daily Thoughts

In this funny fathers day ecard you see a bluey-grey screen which has white…

50 votes
Funny Fathers day eCard

Funny Fathers day

In this Funny Fathers Day ecard A guy is looking troubled, he is on the phone.…

18 votes
Soppy Dad eCard

Soppy Dad

The fathers day e-card starts off with a picture of a father standing up with…

25 votes
Fathers Fart eCard

Fathers Fart

This e-card for father's Day starts off with a close up of a very angry looking…

16 votes
Fathers 6 Pack eCard

Fathers 6 Pack

This fathers day e-card starts off with a view of a mans ripped 6 pack on his…

22 votes
Fathers Fort eCard

Fathers Fort

This fathers day e-card starts off with the view of a castle and two old fashioned…

72 votes
Baby Dad eCard

Baby Dad

The beginning of this fathers day e-card starts off with a picture of a baby…

17 votes
Dads Costume eCard

Dads Costume

This fathers day e-card starts off with a close up of a slightly angry looking…

20 votes
Dads Love the Pub eCard

Dads Love the Pub

We all know what men are like for wanting to go down to the pub, so why not…

15 votes
Love you Daddy eCard

Love you Daddy

This sweet and charming e-card is here for those of you out there hoping to…

1 votes
Best Dad in the World eCard

Best Dad in the World

Fathers Day is coming around again and with this e-card he wont be able to…

0 votes
Cheeky Son! eCard

Cheeky Son!

Ever put your Dad into one of those really cheeky situations? Well this e-card…

0 votes
Best Pop Ever eCard

Best Pop Ever

A short and sweet e-card showing the loving relationship between Father and…

0 votes
Pretty Annoying Huh? eCard

Pretty Annoying Huh?

Every Dad tries to make us believe that they are “fed up” with their kids…

0 votes
You eCard


A good old fashioned story of a Father helping his son achieve his goal of…

0 votes
Take Control - Dad eCard

Take Control - Dad

We all know that deep down all Dad wants to do on Fathers Day is sit in front…

0 votes
Super Dad eCard

Super Dad

Set against the unmistakable music of the great Superman movies, this ecard…

0 votes
Happy Monkeys Day eCard

Happy Monkeys Day

One for the Dads out there waiting to be sent on Fathers Day by their own cheeky…

0 votes

飒飒 Ss Sent Dads DIY

21 days ago

Dylan Tucker Sent Dads DIY

2 days ago

Cheryl Noronha Sent Baby Dad

15 days ago

Cheryl Noronha Sent Baby Dad

15 days ago

Cheryl Noronha Sent Baby Dad

15 days ago

Fathers can be lazy sometimes, even the smallest tasks such as reading can seem like a chore to them. Don't bother writing out a card for your father this Father's Day. Send him an ecard instead! Let your dad know you appreciate him by sending him one of our ecards from our amazing range. You’ll be sure to find one your old man would love. All of our ecards can be sent for free to anyone, anywhere at any time. Use your Facebook, Twitter or email to send your father a cool e-card.