This card shows a wolf who says he wants to "Go out and have a wild 'n' crazy…
A musical card that shows a pants wearing monkey playing the maracca's and…
This funny ecard shows a very happy scene of a man standing sideways on a rainbow.…
This eCard is all about the libra star sign, three fact pop up in text at the…
This eCard shows you three facts about the leo star sign, in this animation…
This card decribes the aquarius star sign each description pop up one by one…
This card decribes the aries star sign each description pop up one by one when…
This card decribes the cancer star sign each description pop up one by one…
This card is perfect for the girl asking out a male capricorn, this card also…
This card gives a description of the capricorn star sign, each description…
This Card describes your perfect girl/boy in one word, he/she will surely love…
A hilariously funny eCard which depicts a man singing away about how much he…
This eCard is about a little monster thats extremely ill and wont stop sneezing,…
This eCard gives three facts about the gemini star sign but at the same time…
This great interactive eCard shows a man of asian origin flying through the…
This cute little love animation is a bird that falls straight to the floor…
Liz Rozier Sent Bake a Cake
Jo Wilkinson Sent Birthday Tea
Jo Wilkinson Sent Warm Birthday Wishes
JEAN HURREN Sent Happy Baaaaathday