Sulk eCard


This small eCard is all about a girl thats going through a time of sulking…

Extremely Sorry eCard

Extremely Sorry

This funny eCard depicts a man sitting down talking to the recipient, explaining…

1988 March eCard

1988 March

This cool Birthday eCard Begins with a newspaper spinning into the screen.…

1 votes
March 1974 eCard

March 1974

This birthday ecard shows three newspaper articles of what happened in the…

1 votes
The Last Cigarette eCard

The Last Cigarette

This e-card starts with an extreme close-up of a very unidentifiable source…

3 votes
Belated Birthday eCard

Belated Birthday

This is a fun ecard for those of you that have forgotten somebody’s birthday.…

1 votes
Time Stands Still eCard

Time Stands Still

This is a sad but romantic e-card. It starts with a man appearing sad, sat…

2 votes
Cheer Up eCard

Cheer Up

This e-card is for cheering up your friends. It starts off with a kite struggling…

10 votes
Happy Thanksgiving Farmer eCard

Happy Thanksgiving…

This Thanksgiving e-card starts off with a picture of a farmer who is sitting…

4 votes

Richard Mortimore Sent Birthday Cake

43 minutes ago

Peter McAnearney Sent Have a Beer Anniversary

45 minutes ago

Peter McAnearney Sent Have a Beer Anniversary

45 minutes ago

Michele Gallen Sent Fingers and more crossed

2 minutes ago

Bunny Bunny Sent Rocking Bearthday

9 minutes ago